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HMW: Campaign for Cybertron - Extinction - Round 2: War of Violence!

Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron - Extinction - Round 2: War of Violence!
Date: Monday, December 3rd 2018 4:18pm CST
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Psychout | Credit(s): WarPorn Industries

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Views: 77,225

Dammit, here we go again. Don't these Reavers ever shut up? ...and cue Zombi!

*taped applause*

Transformers News: Re: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron - Extinction - Round 2: War of Violence!
...I don't care what the warranty says, that is definitely NOT a silent setting!

Greetings, peasants!
We have our airwaves back again! These interruptions are really damaging my ratings! What exactly does Soundwave actually do around here? May as well just employ Blaster and go back to voicing over hip-hop YouTube virals…

What? The Reavers? Ugh. OK, whatever.

So, like, our specialists over at The Senate headed up by Mal Practice, Starsurge and that barrel of laughs called Perceptor have released an in-depth analysis of the Infection. They have determined it is a modified strain of the Hate Plague that befell Cybertron many centuries ago, and in light of these recent annoying broadcasts by those Reaver basics, they have imaginatively named it the ‘Brood Virus’.
Seriously? That's the best they could come up with? Even Hard Wired could do better than that and he is literally a shambling corpse!

Anyway, it consists of nantes of non-Cybertronian origin that have been cybernetically engineered to adhere to our CNA, the chemical strain within our sparks that give us life and free will, and simply reprogram us to serve these Reaver douchebags like a badly-rooted iPhone.

The nerds are still working on a detection method and are using the samples taken from the twelve identified as 'resistant' to formulate a cure, but they claim these tests need time. Personally I'm pretty sure if they all stopped arguing like a pair of Predacons in heat for more than a breem we'd have the cure already...

The one thing they have said that is actually of use however, is that the resistant twelve have a far better chance of bringing a team back from inside the Inferno than the rest of us, so to try and concentrate exploration around these individuals:

Colossus Prime,
It is however worth nmentioning that the original 12th member, Emergency, may have been 'accidentally' stabbed with a contaminated scalpel when Mal Practice found out she was defecting to the Autobots with the Warhawks, so can no longer be considered 'resistant'. In her place we've dumped Nemesis Wheelie into the mix as he is so annoying that no one actually cares whether he is controlled or not.

Meanwhile, in related news, both factions have sent recon teams to monitor the mouth of the Inferno in the almost-certainly-futile hope that they can head off any Reaver Brood that strike out in an effort to begin the invasion of our home early. Reports from the front vary, with our spies contacts in Iacon claiming that there is little to no reported activity as yet, whilst the rumour mill in Kaon says that NAIL’s, that's Non-Aligned Indigenous Life-forms to everyone else, are beginning to arrive in increasing numbers and are even attempting to enter the Inferno itself.

All we can do for now is hold our ground until either the Geek Squad stop dicking about and actually do some work, or the Reavers begin their offensive and hope the 'undiseaseable dozen' can tip the balance. Either way, I'm going to put my little rampant rabbit paws up on the Toaster and enjoy the show!!

Til next time! Zombi out.

Oh, and that buzzing you might have heard is obviously Hazard...

Campaign for Cybertron: Extinction
Round 2 - The War of Violence

Round 2 begins TODAY!

This is a WAR round.
Watch for the special missions, you'll know them when they appear!

Rules this time are simple:
If you see a Campaign mission, enter and try to win it.
No need to post every victory, we got toys backstage for that now, just concentrate on getting the win!
The Seibertronian Accord is irrelevant as NAIL (all non signed-up players in this case) involvement also counts, so make sure you get in those missions fast!
Results will count regardless of how many players are in them, unless they are empty in which case the Reavers will gain a win!

Additional reward game for signed up players only:

Twelfth Knight.

Any mission victory with one of the 12 characters listed above from their own faction in it can be posted here. The faction with the most posted wins that include one of the 12 will get a bonus at the end, which will be doubled if their faction also wins the war of Violence.
Each mission can only be posted once, so work together!

The Seibertronian Accord will be active, allowing the outnumbered faction to choose NAIL commanders as Drones to even the sides.

There will be a prize for the faction that wins each competition, and these will give a strong hint of the final reward at the end of the Campaign.

You have 24 hours to sign up for the forum game (8am Sunday UK time), but the war starts as soon as the first mission appears!

As always, put your questions and signup posts below and once the Twelfth Knight game starts, feel free to brag, taunt and smacktalk away!!

Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

Transformers News: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals
Date: Tuesday, November 13th 2018 3:30pm CST
Categories: Collectables, Heavy Metal War
Posted by: ZeroWolf | Credit(s): #Sideways# from Seibertron, Official Transformers Trading Card Game Facebook

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Views: 90,543

With the new Metroplex Theme Deck hitting online vendors and hobby shops alike on November 21st,the Official Transformers Trading Card Game Facebook page has put up card scans of the exclusive cards contained within the set. We have mirrored them here along with the thoughts of fellow Seibertron user, #Sideways#.

Metroplex Alt Mode

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:So here he is, the star of the show: Metroplex's city form. It shows us how everything works in terms of deploying his three small dudes, and it shows us the first 25 star character in the game. In this case, you have to transform him from his robot mode to vehicle form to deploy one of three characters: Slammer, Scamper and Six-Gun. You can go from one character, to four characters in a game -- tall, to wide.

You'll notice two things about Metroplex straight off in terms of his stats: He has abysmal attack, moderate defense and an unbelievably high HP of 35. This makes him the absolute thickest transformer in the game, having 14 more HP than the previous record holder of Cosmos, with 21. But just being hard to kill isn't the name of the game; if that was the case, Insecticons wouldn't be the best deck in format, now wouldn't it? More on that later.

In short, this is the most unique character we've ever seen, and it's not just because his card a nearly a foot tall. Metroplex is the first "deployer" character we've seen, and it makes him very good at doing one thing: Showing how Soundwave or Blaster might work in the future.

Now, you might think that Metroplex is really good, that you'll get out a ton of small dudes and rush down your opponent. The problem with that theory is that you can only transform once in a turn, meaning you have to have a Rapid Conversion or Roll Out in your hand every single turn of the game or you'll fall behind. Trust me when I say, this is not a feasible thing.

This mode is the bread and butter of Metroplex, contrary to what you might think given his robot form.

Metroplex Robot Mode

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:Here's the big man himself in his robot form, and his stats only slightly improve. His defense drops, sadly, and his attack is boosted to an average six, but the biggest thing one might notice about him is his ability: Flip two of each pip and your opponent's characters are all force tapped, dealing one damage to each of them in the process.

That sounds powerful.

It sounds powerful.

When you have all three of your small characters out, it is, for sure, but that will seldom happen in a game. But here's the thing: Tapping all of your opponent's characters compared to tapping just one (ala Skrapnel) is bad. When you have all characters on a single side tapped, then the side with characters still untapped have to attack -- in this case, you. All of your characters will then attack at once, leaving your opponent to attack with a character of their choice next turn.

This helps your opponent more than it hurts them. In a deck that plays heavily damaging characters and support characters alongside them, for instance Optimus Prime -- Battlefield Legend with two support cars, you want to attack with the heavily damaging character the most. By tapping all of your opponent's characters, you're allowing them to untap all their characters at the beginning of their turn including their highly damaging characters.

If it simply tapped one or two characters, then you would be denying them an attack with that high damaging character while simultaneously leaving it open to attack -- tapping all characters means they still get to attack with their damaging character over and over again.

But that wouldn't be a problem if you had a higher attack stat. With such a low attack (and defense), you won't be able to take too much ground despite your high HP and ever-increasing numbers. Now, why is that? Let me explain by showing you the rest of what comes in the Metroplex set to support him.


Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:Come on and SLAM! And welcome to the JAM!


First up we have another super unique card, and that's Slammer. Slammer isn't a Transformer, especially since he doesn't have a robot form, but he is useful. Slammer spreads one damage when you deploy him from beneath Metroplex, but more importantly, gives Metroplex Bold 1 passively.

But that's not all about him that makes him interesting: With Slammer, you might notice four things: One, he has the lowest HP in the game, but he also has some of the upper echelon of defense in the game as well -- but neither of those are the most important. The most important things about Slammer is that he is a Tank, and that he is four stars. This means that you can play him, Demolisher and Megatron -- Living Weapon all in the same deck and capitalize on Tank synergy.

Slammer's most use might just come from Megatron, instead of the city from which he came.

Scamper Alt Mode

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:There isn't too much to write home about with Scamper's vehicle mode, but there are two things that I really like about this. One, he gives Metroplex Bold 1 -- which is almost never a bad thing -- and two, he is a four star Car. This makes him an easy fill-in for wide Car lists, allowing you to play four Cars and to take advantage of Turbo Boosters as well as Start Your Engines. Of course, in a Metroplex deck I wouldn't advise over-emphasizing Scamper's Car status, but in a Car list, he's an easy fit despite his abilities only activating if you have Metroplex.

Scamper Robot Mode

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:His robot form is also something that only activates with Metroplex, but the effects he has are very, very good. Scrapping a weapon or armor is an excellent ability to have in your pocket, especially with how important Force Field is to swinging entire games. Scrapping weapons isn't as important (especially seeing as Grenade Launcher scraps itself after use), but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

His stats are, again, nothing to write home about, but you wouldn't expect him to carry games, anyway.

Six Gun Alt Mode

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:"No one dared to make a slip..."

So Six-Gun is probably my favorite character out of this whole thing, simply because he has the most useful abilities out of all three of his comrades. Moreover, he has the best stats out of all his comrades.

His gun mode has the ever-useful ability of indirect damage, he has four stars, and the highest HP out of all his friends. But this really isn't the business end of this guy. Even though his indirect damage is useful, his robot mode is actually slightly better.

Six Gun Robot Mode

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:"... The ranger there among them had a big iron on his hip."

With four damage as his base attack, he's the highest damaging character of Metroplex's three small deployers. Sure, he has zero defense, but if there's one thing I've figured out, nine times out of ten, all three of them are going to get fragged in one hit anyway. One of the best parts about him, though, is that he can be the exception to that rule through the use of Force Field. He is the only one that has five HP, meaning that Force Field will be able to activate and save him from certain demise.

Of course, don't expect his four attack to save the game for you -- it's just useful to have a guy who won't instantly detonate as soon as your opponent gets a good look at him.

But one of the more interesting abilities on this card is his Bold ability, giving Metroplex Bold 2 when you transform Six Gun. Of course, you might notice some themes here -- stacking Bold to improve on Metroplex's damage potential and to pop his ability. This is even more more apparent with Height Advantage, the next card we're going to look at.

Height Advantage

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:It's over Anakin -- I have the high ground!

Height Advantage is essentially Supercharge but for Titans, with a blue pip instead of the more useful Orange pip. This card is essentially a middle ground between Dino Chomp and Supercharge, and it definitely belongs in your list if you're playing a Titan

Protected by Metroplex

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:"I've got a lot of plans to do tonight, and dying isn't one of them!"

This card is strictly okay. It's essentially a Heroism with more moving parts, which makes me dislike it, but if you're playing a list with plenty of orange, you can't really go wrong. Plus, redundant cards in lists isn't actually a bad thing, especially with low draw power. I prefer playing Heroism on Metroplex instead of multiple of Protected By Metroplex on my smaller characters, but the end result is similar enough that it doesn't really matter.

Rally the City

Transformers News: Re: Official Transformers TCG Metroplex Theme Deck Card Reveals

#Sideways# wrote:"Alla till mig!"

Rally The City is one of my favorite cards to come out of this set. When you have this card in your hand at any time, you can use it to replace itself at worst. At best, you can use it to draw four(!) cards. This is a powerful, powerful card when you have enough time to set it up, and the premiere draw support with Metroplex.

In Closing

#Sideways# wrote:So, all in all, I would say that Metroplex is niche. It seems super powerful, but the problem is the set up time. It doesn't send everyone out at once when you transform Metroplex, it just sends one at a time. This makes it very easy for your opponent to punish your slow play by dominating each one of your small characters as soon as you put them on the battlefield.

Another problem Metroplex has is that 35 HP isn't actually all that much when your opponent can attack you several times more than you can, especially early game when Metroplex is alone.

What it has going for it is the Dinobot levels of damage that you can potentially pull off when you have all of that stacking Bold. But then, wouldn't playing Dinobots just be easier? Stacking Bold, dealing a lot of damage, tanking a lot of damage, that all sounds familiar, doesn't it?

There are such things as redundant cards in the game, but when it comes to redundant decks, I often find that the most consistent one takes the cake -- or the one that can do more damage more consistently, and that would be Dinobots.

I mean, you even play a card that is essentially Dino Chomp in Height Advantage. Maybe it's just me, but it just seems like Dinobots with more moving parts and less consistent draw.

Playing an all blue deck doesn't make it any better, either, since all of that Bold is doing absolutely nothing. You'd live forever, but you're trying to kill your opponent with the firepower of a low-battery flashlight. But all of that is my opinion, anyway, what's yours? Let me know in the comments below!

What do you think of these new cards? What characters would you like to see make the jump to the card game? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews.

HMW: Campaign for Cybertron Season 2- Extinction. Round 1: INFECTION starts in 24 hours!

Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron Season 2- Extinction. Round 1: INFECTION starts in 24 hours!
Date: Tuesday, November 6th 2018 5:03pm CST
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Psychout | Credit(s): WarPorn Industries

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Views: 67,531

WarPorn Industries and the RDD proudly present
The Campaign for Cybertron
SEASON 2: Extinction!


Round 1: INFECTION!!

Like, you didn't see this coming... wrote:
Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron Season 2- Extinction. Round 1: INFECTION starts in 24 hours!
I like big teeth and I cannot lie, you other bunnies can't deny...


We've all been here. You've read the book, seen the movie and bought the limited-edition skinny hipster-cut t-shirt (especially Bun-Bun).

Alt Hunts are nothing new to you guys so I'll spare you the details, but I before we start I have gotta tell you about the fun little twist his Royal Shortarseness has added to make this one even more exciting...

We now take you over to his secret lair of metagaming nonsense for another long-winded announcement that could have been said in 8 words...

I hate that rabbit.

Minions of HMW:GD!
'tis I, the best cassette ever, Psychout, here to announce the next stupid shi- bonus task for you all during this Alt Hunt!

Here's the deal: A few micro-cycles ago, a weird glitch made its way into our CR Chambers, causing feedback that went on to wreak havoc with their ability to actually do anything useful.

Since that began, weird phenomenon has gripped Cybertron. Firstly, all the Autobots died. Then, the Sharkticon, previously thought tamed during the Hydrax war, smashed through the (4th) wall of the Inferno, spitting baby sharks (do do do do do do) all over the place. They were closely followed by this... abomination, and then irrefutable proof that Zombi really is the most basic of bitches bunnies by supplying her favourite coffee bar with spice for the rest of the millennia.

It was clear that this had opened up a tsunami of creatures previous unwantedknown.

We in the Senate (and by 'we' I mean Burn) scrambled to try and control these new fanged menace menasi menaceses threats, but a final challenger appeared so we just said **** it, clearly life, uh, finds a way.

Anyway, here's your Alt Hunt bonus:
Quoteception! wrote:If you have any alt that can bite on your team and are entered into the Alt Hunt, you can score an extra point FOR EVERY BITE THEY LAND!

There is a condition: you must list the name of the victim of every bite you want to claim for and make it simple for us to read, as the Senate is lazy.

Think you can follow that?

So there you go, Senator afthole has spoken. Get chomping!

We'll put the rules below for those too lazy to read all that noise.

The round starts early Wednesday 7th and runs til Sunday(ish), nerds. The boss will post the opening mission number... when he feels like it.

That's all from me, now go and do the thing!!

The Serious Shizzle

Make an entry post below, following the instructions in 'the boring stuff'.
  • Kill as many Predators, Hunters, Raptors, Sharkticons, Smashing Pumpkins and Annoying Land Animals as you can in 1 week. The list of legal alts is in the next post.
  • To be able to enter you must format a valid target alt onto at least one member of your team.
  • ALL of your teams kills on target alts count.
  • If you have a bite-capable altmode on your team, you may also list every bite it lands and the targets name to gain an extra point.
  • Watch your mission logs.
  • When you get a kill on a target alt or want to claim a bite, edit the link into your original post making sure to list the victims name and time of kill.

Boring Stuff:
- Sign ups are required to join the hunt, listing your name and a link to your team
- Player numbers will be assessed before the game starts and the Seibertronian Accord (faction balancing) will be invoked if required.
- Late entries will be ridiculed, but will be allowed. Note: It is possible that a 'drone' commander may have to be dropped if one has been chosen using the Seibertronian Accord and the late entry is of the smaller team.
- Players can have as many game-relevant alts as they want in their team.
- Cheaters penalty: removal (without notification/permission) of a hunted alt from a listed (qualifying) team member is grounds for instant disqualification.

This Campiagn is brought to you by 'The Senate', comprising of Myself, Burn, Wingz and -Soundwave-.
Any questions post them below!

Oh, and for those who actually bothered to read this far...
This is only part of the first round - stay tuned to WPNN for more details of the rest as they are revealed!!! MWA HA HA HA!!! :twisted:

HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, Season 2: Extinction! PROLOGUE

Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, Season 2: Extinction! PROLOGUE
Date: Wednesday, October 31st 2018 6:53pm CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Psychout

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Views: 77,691

WarPorn Industries and the RDD proudly present
The Campaign for Cybertron
SEASON 2: Extinction!



Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, Season 2: Extinction! PROLOGUE
Don't worry, I wont bite... unless you ask really nicely.

Hey there Losers and Ladies, I'm Zombi Cheerleader and we're back! Did you miss me?

Tonight on WPNN - The WarPorn News Network - it's the news you have all been waiting for! Our inbox has been literally exploding with your demands for it's return, most of which we can't read publicly, but we here at WarPorn have gone through them all, and have answered your prayers! Kinda.

The Campaign for Cybertron is RETURNING!!!

But before we can get to the actual game, I'm being forced to hand you over to our 'glorious leader' and creator of the Campaign so he can update you all on how it all works, how to join in and most of all - what he has changed from last time...

His most glorious midgetness, Senator Psychout wrote:Peons of Cybertron,
WarPorn Industries brings you C4C Season 2: Extinction! An ongoing battle for Cybertron, fought over a series of rounds for control of our planet using the Heavy Metal War missions.

Before we can begin though, I have to say a few words...

Over the last solar cycle, together as a race of magic space robots, we have achieved many great things. So many great things. None of the things achieved before in history have ever been this great. And we achieved them all. Great things. So many.

We tamed the mighty Sharkticon!
We battled an invasion from a galaxy far far away!
We hunted and scavenged for new technologies and built mighty new weapons!
But we failed to have a great war.

The rest of the Senate accepts responsibility for that and, in our infinite wisdom, we have taken the feedback you gave us and deliberated on their mistakes.

Therefore, to correct this and keep the energon rolling in to maintain our impartiality as your Senate, we are hereby enacting a new ordinance:

The Seibertronian Accord

This Accord is in 2 parts:
    1) Awards:
    No faction will gain an advantage over the other in terms of armaments, altmodes or tactics for more than 2 weeks. So, no matter which faction is the eventual victor, the opposition will still get their participation trophy.

    2) Balancing:
    When Commanders sign up for any challenges set by the Senate, the faction with the least commanders entered will be given the option to select 'Drone' back up.
    i) This backup can be chosen from any commander within their own faction, and is to be announced in any relevant mission threads.
    ii) The Drone commander chosen does not have to be a regular visitor to HMW: General Discussion.
    iii) The Commander announcing the Drone is responsible for posting any scores/results the Drone achieves, however they can be privately collected as a group, if the choosing faction so wishes.
    iv) The smaller faction may choose as many Drone commanders as they wish, but their total team number must not exceed that of their opponents.
    Credit goes to Steve2275 for the balancing suggestion.

This Accord will be enforced by the Senate, and compliance is mandatory.

To join the campaign is simple; watch for the Campaign announcements, read the WPNN broadcast, follow the instructions and get stuck in. Everyone who plays Heavy Metal War is welcome to join, but you must be willing to post on the General Discussion forum to register your team.

Rounds will run approximately every 2-3 weeks and will last between 2-7 days.

See you on the battlefield!
Till all are rich.

CEO WarPorn Industries,
Senator of Cybertron.

Short and to the point as always... ◔_◔

So, picture the scene... Cybertron, our near desolate planet.
Millennia of the Heavy Metal Wars stripping it of its resources, surviving numerous shutdowns, invasions and evolution's, yet she still functioned.

That is, until now.

Just over a month ago, an Autobot by the name ThunderThruster identified a new peril. A freak accident during one of Cybertron's own regeneration cycles shut down our CR chamber array, and somehow they became corrupted.

Action was quick to prevent any lasting damage, or so we thought...

Here to bring you more information is Senator Wingz, who is with a team of our greatest scientists analysing the long term effects of the CR-Corruption.
Senator Wingz wrote:Starsurge, get in focus! And...

MAL PRACTICE!! You KNOW the carving knife is meant for...

Wait, is this thing on? *clears throat*

Citizens of Cybertron!

Behind me, you’ll notice an array of broken down machinery that has previously been a danger to all factions, indiscriminately! Not to be confused with the scientists standing around them, I assure you.

Through our analysis of the contaminated CR chambers, we’ve managed to deduct that there is still residual material cultivating inside. Further analysis reveals that, while most have escaped their undead fate, there are four alt modes that may still be potentially dangerous! In order to continue our research, we will need to dissect interrogate as many Smashing Pumpkins, Sharkticons, Predators, and Hunters are you can find and stasis lock!

Be assured, you’ll be...properly taken care of should you become contaminated in your quest!
Back to you, Zombi!

There ya have it, it appears the eggheads have finally made a decision - it's an ALT HUNT!

You all know the drill. You have 1 week to ensure you have either a Predator, Hunter, Sharkticon* or Pumpkin character on your team, and as special bonus any Sharks* or Pumpkins will gain an extra point for every bite they land (not just kill with, every successful bite attack) during the tourney so think about that as well.

* NOTE: All Sharkticons will count as targets, even those that do not have the bite tactic.

The full rules will be announced by little old me in a few days time.
Until then leave us your messages, requests and abuse below and we might even bother to read it!

That's all I have time for, as thanks to Burn they've finally been able to re-stock the pumpkin spice in the energon-espresso machine so this is Zombi Cheerleader, signing off!
Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, Season 2: Extinction! PROLOGUE

C4C2:Extinction will comprise of 5 rounds, with a 6th at the end to wrap things up. It will use the map, but in a different way to last time.

The rounds will be comprised of:
1) Infection
Part A) An alt hunt, with a chewy twist!
Part B) *CLASSIFIED* :twisted:

2) Meet the Reavers!
An all out war with special mission texts created.

3) Cyber Gambit
The competition type for this round will be decided by the players, details to follow closer to the time.

4) The Great Tech Heist [Actual name to be released after Round 3]
A themed heist-hunt that will involve both nominated characters and your whole team to decide the technology available for your faction for round 5.

5) The Endgame
More custom missions in an elimination war, the last mech standing wins - unless you have the right advantage... ;)

6) Epilogue

Prizes for the various rounds will vary, and will depend on how cooperative Burn is feeling at that point in time.
The Grand Prize at the end... well, I'm pretty sure you'll all work it out, but it will be worth it!

Can your faction take a chomp out of the enemy?
Will you bite off more than you can chew..?
Are you ready, for EXTINCTION??

HMW: Something wicked this way comes ...

Transformers News: HMW: Something wicked this way comes ...
Date: Friday, October 26th 2018 11:51pm CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Burn | Credit(s): HMW Forums

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Views: 78,580

Centuries ago, before the war, at the beginning of the Inferno, a dingy bar on the outskirts of a long forgotten city, an old forgesmith invited the Darkness for a drink. Stingy Jack as he was known, didn't like to pay for his own drinks, so he some how convinced the Darkness to transform himself into an Energon credit, the Darkness, for whatever reason, obliged.

Stingy Jack, being the stingy mech that he was still skipped out on his bar tab. Fixing the energon credit with a transformation inhibitor, he kept the dark Energon credit at his side.

Jack eventually freed the Darkness, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his spark. The next year, Jack again tricked the Darkness into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of energn. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved engaged a transformation inhibitor field around the tree so that the Darkness could not come down until the Darkness promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.

Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, such an unsavory figure could not be allowed into the AllSpark. The Darkness, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his spark, would not allow Jack into the Inferno. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning optics to light his way. As the centuries passed, the ghostly figure of Stingy Jack roamed Cybertron, his burning optics acting like a lantern, as his name drifted into mythology, Cybertronians began to refer to him as "Jack of the Lantern", or "Jack-o-Lantern" for short.

But Jack has grown tired of roaming, he has been witness to The Great War, he has witnessed the destruction of Cybertron, enraged, Jack has spread his ghostly influence, possessing Cybertronians with his influence, using them to spread his influence further until Cybertron is his ...

The first to fall under Jack's influence is the Autobots! Now available to them for a limited time only is the all new SMASHING PUMPKIN alt!

Transformers News: Something wicked this way comes ...

For the first time ever, BITE comes to the Autobots. Will you fall under the influence of Jack-o-Lantern? And how long until the Decepticons fall under the ghostly mechs influence ...

HMW Campaign for Cybertron: Shard of Resilience

Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron: Shard of Resilience
Date: Wednesday, June 27th 2018 6:20pm CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Burn

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For 15 years, Heavy Metal War has been a part of, through both good and bad, this little game has brought together transformers fans on both sides of the war and given pleasure and pain in equal measure.

To celebrate this amazing achievement, during this tourney we will be looking back over the 4 main ‘eras’ of the game and exploring how a game invented over a lunchbreak became of the longest running transformers games on the internet, starting with its 'humble' beginnings...

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
Like you could ever get sick of seeing little old me...

Ladles and jellyspoons, the war is in full swing and it appears that the Autobots may even have the upper hand. Cooperation and coordination is starting to seep in and those plucky little reds are really starting to stand on their own feet/treads/paws/wheels/whatever.

To this end I bring you some good news... and some bad.

The bad news is that as of mission #38500 the Shard of Courage is no more, and from this mission the Autobots wont get its advantage.

The GOOD news is that we have found the second shard! Hang on, it appears to have a message attached, lets see what this says...
The Shard of Resillience wrote:
The Vir430 Era - HMW Genesis.

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
“It was the year 2003, and Cybertron was a dark and desolate planet. The great shutdown millennia before had put her on stand-by, allowing her to heal from centuries of war, but she knew that without some kind of order her time was short. Scanning her glimmering metal-strewn surface she found her first champion, named Vir430, and charged him with the greatest of challenges - bring order to the chaos. To help her create structure and certainty, even if that certainty was more war, and guide her into a new era.

The Era of Genesis.”

Very little is known of this great historical era of Cybertrons rebirth but under a shroud of secrecy, it is known that Vir accepted the Matrix and began his work. On the date the Earthlings record as June 24th 2003, Cybertron was reactivated; the Heavy Metal Wars began, but they were very different to the war we fight today…

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
Vir. (Probably.)

The Cybertronians were slow to come back online and the technology wasn’t as advanced as we are used to. The central mission computer was yet to be activated so the war was held exclusively in the arena to begin with, allowing scores to only be settled one on one. Squad size was also smaller, whilst a team was still comprised of 12 only 4 warriors could fight for a team at any one time, and arms and armaments were limited until the more advanced weapons could be rediscovered.
It is also believed that there was only a few altmodes available to the first commanders, but that initial list is lost to the ages now.

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
HMW: 15 years and we STILL have Prime clones.

This new awakening of Cybertron soon brought the more warlike Transformers-in-exile back to their old home, and with those came the knowledge of tactics and advanced Transformations. The newly-awakened combatants, reset to level 0 after the great shutdown, had fought their way through many challenges and using their battle experience had learned how to use their altmodes to Avoid their enemies attacks, Ram their opponent into submission, or Strafe whole battlelines of enemies, and with the Central Mission Computer coming back online a few megacycles after the war began anew, these tactics began to make the difference in the missions, but it was many cycles later, with the discovery of Repair in its most simple form, that truly began to turn the tide of the battles, but the results of a loss remained devastating for many, with the stasis-locked losers often left behind until their commanders could return to recover them to place them in Cryogenic regeneration, or CR, Chambers.

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
Wheeljack! Stay back whilst I science!

What was never expected when the war began though, was the meeting of minds that it facilitated. Cybertron was not entirely about war and conflict, many of the planets more peaceful natives had been meeting for mega cycles beforehand, hoping for a chance at peace, but the two factions began to talk. Much of the discussion was to taunt their opponents, but a united spirit also prevailed. Dubbing themselves the HMWarriors, the commanders began to group together in clans and units to share tactical information and coordinate. Among the first topics known to be discussed was Courage, widely considered to be the strongest upgrade stat of its time, and a third faction that had also joined the war - a secret and shadowy force that would interrupt a mission, destroying both sides, The Unknowns.

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
'Unknowns' still sounds better than NAILs.

And then, one day, it was time for Vir to pass the mantle of Praetorian and make his own way in the universe. The logs have no record of when this was, and many of his other great deeds in his bringing of order to the chaos of war are lost to the ages, but it is known that Vir’s work is still very much the framework of the war we fight today - Cybertrons first guardian after she was reborn laid a foundation for transformers civilisation that was destined to endure.

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
And now my watch has ended...

And so Cybertron entered a period of renewal as her people continued to return from the stars. The number of activated warriors was increased from four to six, and with the advent of newer technology and advancement of her commanders, more missions became available, but as the era known as Gensis drew to a close, Cybertron soon realised that a new guardian would be needed and she reached out to a small, talented young Autobot to step forward and realise his destiny…

Transformers News: Re: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends. Starts mission #36130!
Wait, what?

To be continued...

Disclaimer: Much of this happened a very long time ago, and most of this was pieced together from old forums and the using internet archive. If you have a memory of when the game first started or correction to what the shard above says, please post it below!

Woah, there ya go! A little history lesson for you all there...

Our smart-arse analysts have inspected the shard and reported an engraving on it, which they have managed to translate from its ancient Cybertronian machine code. It reads
Code: Select all
Cybertron supports those who never give up so *any* valid (0 or 5) mission where the defeated side has 3 or more combatants still counts as a war victory

There ya go, Shard 2: Resilience is in the game, and benefits both sides. Remember: the bonus only counts if you are the outnumbered team and you win the mission.

Good luck out there!

HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends! Starts TODAY!

Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends! Starts TODAY!
Date: Sunday, June 24th 2018 6:24am CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Burn

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Views: 23,916

WarPorn Industries and the RDD proudly present
HMW: The Campaign for Cybertron
A new way to fight the Heavy Metal War

Special Event: The Battle of the Legends!
15 years and going strong!

Well, here it is, the moment you have all been waiting for...

Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends! Starts TODAY!
I can make gin disappear. What’s your superpower?

Happy Birthday Heavy Metal War!!
Welcome HMWarriors, to another huge battle here on!
Zombi Cheerleader here again and it's time to tell you what the hell is going on...

For fifteen years HMW has raged across Cybertron (and its host,
This war has had its ups and downs, it’s highs and its lows, its champions and its losers, and has had a whole load of programmers come and go along the way, but it is still raging on and our profits are still rolling in.

Here at WarPorn Industries, we have gone to great lengths over much of this time to bring you entertainment and adventure wherever we can. This began back when organised the first ever alt hunt, and now our partnership with Sustain and her Amalgamated Pretence has led all us the way to fighting a Campaign across Cybertron, where we have fought sharkticons, battled Darth Vader, captured enemy commanders and scavenged for new weapons.
Unfortunately though, this campaign has not been going so well for the Autobots, with the Decepticons now controlling half of Cybertron.

Wait, this is NOT good! WarPorn are in the war profiteering industry, it’s bad for us if the Autobots are actually defeated!

So to balance things, here is the deal:
We are going to WAR.
None of this hunting nonsense.
No targets to achieve or stats for you to have to track.

Just an all out out battle in selected missions.

The rules of this war are so simple, even a Sharkticon could understand them...
    The War Starts TODAY! 6PM (GMT+1) and runs for a week.

  • All levels count.
  • ONLY missions ending with the number FIVE or ZERO will count.
  • These missions must have at least 3 warriors from BOTH factions to count towards the war (tag teams wont be counted).
  • The winning team is the one that wins the most 5 or 0 missions.
  • There will be awards and prizes for various things throughout, including highest kills, sportsmanship, and a special 'Senators award' for those encouraging forum participation, decided by the Senate once we are done. Keep watching the forum for details.
  • (To qualify for the awards/prizes, you must post at least once in this thread so we know you are active on the forums.)

There is, as always, a twist however... We intercepted this transmission into Iacon from a *ahem* unknown source this morning.

Autobots, listen up. We need to balance the books here.
This is your chance to win a massive victory. The con’s heavily outnumber you and are better organised, but you have one thing in your favour - Cybertron above all else desires peace, therefore she will directly aid you. She has left 5 shards of the Matrix out there for you to find, each one will give your faction an advantage as the defenders of Cybertron, so fight to defend your home and she will lead you to them....

To begin with we give you this, the first of the 5, the shard of Courage.
Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Special Event: The Battle of the Legends! Starts TODAY!

This will lead you to the other shards, and grant you your first advantage: If a legal (5 or 0) mission does not have enough Decepticons in it, but does have the 3 required Autobots present, that mission (if a victory) will still count for the bots.
The Decepticons will gain no such advantage.

This advantage may not last long, so make the best of it whilst you can or just hope you can find the next one quickly... :BOT:

This war will be organised by a team of commanders including my boss, Psychout, and our fellow Senate members; Burn, Wingz and Sustain, and Redimus, who is here on work experience ;)

I'll be bringing you updates as the tourney rolls on, but until then, I'll leave you in the capable hands of Sustain...


There ya go. Follow this post for details, scores and updates.

Heavy Metal War turns 15 this month! Special tourney announcement!

Transformers News: Heavy Metal War turns 15 this month! Special tourney announcement!
Date: Friday, June 8th 2018 11:26pm CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Burn

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Views: 22,614

In just over 2 week’s time, the Heavy Metal War will celebrate it's fifteenth anniversary! Has it really been that long?

The Staff and Senate of HMW would like to invite all former players, from both sides, to rejoin the battle and help us celebrate everything that has happened during this game! New players, veterans, retired, everyone is welcome to return to help us celebrate this huge milestone!

How do we plan to celebrate??
With a giant, all in, old school War!
Who can kill their enemies the hardest in a specific set of missions?

But there is one smaaaall problem with that...
Autobots, old and new! Consider this a call to arms!
Transformers News: Heavy Metal War turns 15 this month! Special tourney announcement!

The Decepticons have conquered half of Cybertron, and all but the most valiant of the Autobot heroes have been driven back! The number of our planet’s defenders standing against the tyranny of Megatron's army is slowly fading...

Can the Autobots rally their old troops and take back their planet?

Every level will be involved, from Zero to Eleven. We will also be giving out rewards, not just to the winners but also to those who step back out of the shadows, to those who grew weary of the war, and to those who lost their will to fight! All this as we explore the history of our unique game, from its initial spark right up to the new generation it stands at now!

Simply drop in to HMW:General Discussion and say hello, then watch the forum for updates.

HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday!

Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday!
Date: Wednesday, May 2nd 2018 3:56pm CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Psychout

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Views: 20,327

WarPorn Industries and the RDD proudly present
HMW: The Campaign for Cybertron
A new way to fight the Heavy Metal War

Round 4: Rise of the Vader's 503rd!
May the 4th be with you!

Starting this Friday!

The Campaign for Cybertron has raged over Hydrax Plateau, we've scavenged across Tarn for components and captured teams over Vos to unlock new technologies in the fight for control of our planet.

In each battle so far the Decepticons have had the edge, but their dominance is slowly diminishing. They failed in the fight to break out their captured commanders, beaten back by the might of Jack Hallows' Howling Wreckers, whilst Sustain held the Autobots to a stalemate until something unknown happened and Cybertrons central battle computers were suddenly shut down...

Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday!
WarPorn Industries News Network; wait... that's not Zombi! Whats going... arrrggghhh!! *chokes*
Citizens of Cybertron.
I am Darth Vader, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet and Sith Lord, and I bring you a declaration of intent.

The Galactic Empire now controls this sector of the universe, and it is our wish to bring it peace and stability.

Your machine planet is unstable, torn apart by war, so you have been chosen as an example to the rest of your universe of how our governance is beneficial to all other civilisations in this sector. Set aside your war, lay down your arms and accept the rule of the Empire.

You may have noticed that your planet is experiencing mechanical and technological difficulties? We did this to you, as a demonstration of our power.
We have erased your insignificant battle data.
We have made your planet's power supply unstable.
We are moving our battle station within range of your planet, possessing enough firepower to destroy your 'Cybertron' forever and not even your lightsabers can stop us.

We have turned your own technology against you, and my machine army, the 503rd, will soon be heading to your planet. Every time we score a victory, we interrupt your data feed and take a little bit more of your world.

You have 2 of your Cybertronian days to comply before we attack. Our Death Star battlestation is almost in range. I suggest you use them wisely.

Surrender, or feel the true might of the Galactic Empire and the dark side of the force.

*BZZZZT* Please stand by....

...That's enough of that.

Citizens of Cybertron!

Judging by the presence of Vader’s 503rd, I guess it’s just a little late to pass this invasion off as a prank or static interference... What’s more, it looks as if his Death Star is hovering over Altihex. That is too close to Iacon! Scrap that slag, I’LL KILL A…*clears throat*...

Darth Vader, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet and Sith Lord, and his 503rd...

...Seriously, could you possibly have a longer name? Nevermind, here’s a new one for you, affectionately written in our own cultural dialect:

Darth Vader, Supreme Pain-in-the-Tailpipe of the Soon-to-be-Slaughtered Peasantfleet and Scrub Lord, and his Taking the Piss! YOU have 2 days to GET OFF OUR LAWN!

Back to you, Zombi!

...and here we go!!
Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday!
WarPorn Industries News Network; Guess who's back, bitches!!!
Thanks Wingz... No one steals MY show!

Well ya'll, I think we've got a bit of a problem on our hands here.

Vader's 503rd have arrived, and the boss says the senate has an urgent message for us all, but lets be honest... we don't want to read that boring garbage so here's the important details...

  • Darth Vader can use the force to seize control of any of our mechs that have an altmode originating in his universe, adding them to his 503 army.
  • The Death Star is making its way to Cybertron with the firepower to destroy us all.
  • We must shoot down any soldiers that Vader could be controlling.
  • These guys are vulnerable to lightsabers. That said, if a kill is made with one then it counts double
  • Whichever side does the best job of beating back Vader's 503rd will win the sector.

The boss has also created a list of all the altmodes Vader can control. These are to be considered your taregts.


289 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Rescue Ship - (Common)

765 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Alien Feline - (Common)

352 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Hovercar - (Common)

866 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Land Dragon - (Common)

267 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Cargo Vessel - (Core)

646 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Frigate - (Common)

916 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Enforcer Craft - (Common)

171 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Heavy Starfighter - (Common)

48 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Common)

836 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Strike Fighter - (Common)

751 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Assault Fighter - (Rare)

907 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Rare)

279 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Twin-Pod Fighter - (Rare)

989 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Seige Tank - (Common)

304 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday!- Alien Behemoth - (Common)

411 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Armored Walker - (Common)

644 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - RPG Launcher - (Core)

584 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Spaceship - (Rare)

590 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday!- Reptile - (Common)


464 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Rapid Deployment Craft - (Rare)

680 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Hover Gunship - (Common)

161 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Sea Creature - (Common)

8 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Missile Buggy - (Common)

248 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Attack Skimmer - (Core)

349 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Defensive Tank - (Common)

965 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Cargo Ship - (Common)

923 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starship - (Core)

3 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Common)

136 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Common)

530 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Common)

431 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Assault Shuttle - (Rare)

919 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Rare)

139 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Hovering Weapons Platform - (Rare)

989 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Seige Tank - (Rare)

542 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Assault Walker - (Rare)

77 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Walking Transport - (Common)

103 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Hovercopter - (Common)

310 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Monster - (Common)

844 - Transformers News: HMW Campaign for Cybertron, Round 3: Vader's 503rd! Rules and Information, starts Friday! - Starfighter - (Common)

So there ya go! All you need to do is blow away the 503rd and we can send ol' bucket head back to his galaxy far far away![/quote]

The Alt Hunt begins on Friday May 4th at 12:00 PM (GMT-4) and will run for 7 days.
The opening mission will be posted by the amazing Sustain and Wingz who will be running this tourney as I'm off on holiday until Monday and will have very little internet access.

The Hunt Rules
  • Make an entry post in the 'signups' thread, following the instructions in 'the boring stuff' below.
  • Kill as many Star Wars alts as you can in 1 week. The list of legal alts is listed above.
  • To be able to enter you must format either a STAR WARS based or approved alt onto at least one member of your team.
  • This is the character that will be used to determine your level bracket for the game.
  • Players may enter more than one level bracket, but may only enter once at each level.
  • ALL of your teams kills on target alts count.
  • LIGHTSABER KILLS RULE: Lightsaber kills count double. These must be labeled to claim the extra point.

In addition, a fair play directive has been added, which will be referred to as 'Rule: Zero'.
All characters named in sign-up posts MUST be activated into a mission with opposition at once least every 12 hours.
This rule is likely to be ongoing for the rest of the campaign rounds.

The Hunt Instructions!

When you get a kill on a target alt, edit the mission link into your original sign-up post, making sure to list the victims name and time of kill (timestamp).
Whoever has the most kills at the end of 1 week in each level bracket wins. In the event of a tie the number of higher level kills will be examined (e.g. number of level 11's killed, then 10s, then 9s etc.).

As usual, hunt tactics and game discussions can be added below, or started in the faction-specific forums.

Level 0 special rules!

New to HMW?
Stuck down at level 0 still?
Want to be able to affect the game with the rest of the guzzlers?

The have we got the rules twist for you!!

If you have a level 0 character on your team that has less than the level cap of 40,000XP then you can still sign up and enjoy the hunt!!

Whilst the Transformers battle against Vaders 503rd forces, you will need to keep them supplied and restocked.

To do this:
Post in the sign-up thread with a link to your character.
It can be any one character, with any alt, as long as it has below the 40k XP level cap.
Post every kill your named character gets for the duration of the game. It does not have to be on a target alt, but it must be a kill, not a victory by retreat.
Hope you post more than the opposition.

The faction with the most combined wins(subject to player numbers and balancing) will score an extra point fr their side in the war against Darth Vader’s 503rd!

Boring Stuff:
- Sign ups are required, found here, listing the Name, Chosen altmode and Level of the lead character from your team
- Player numbers will be assessed before the game starts and weighting may be put into place to even the sides. This will be announced as the game begins.
- Players can have as many game-relevant alts as they want in their team, but only one can count per level, and this must be listed in advance.
- 'Lightsaber Kills' definition: The killing blow must be by a lightsaber to qualify for the double bonus. Any lightsaber in the game qualifies.
- Lightsaber Kills must be labeled to be counted.
- Target alts are determined by image alone, the alt class is irrelevant.
- Cheaters penalty: removal (without notification/permission) of a hunted alt from a listed (qualifying) team member is grounds for instant disqualification.
- The organisers decisions (made by discussions between Myself, Wingz and Sustain) are final.

Transformers Darth Vader Image Credit: mmatere of Deviantart.

HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 3: Capture the Technology!

Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 3: Capture the Technology!
Date: Friday, March 30th 2018 4:52pm CDT
Category: Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Burn

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Views: 19,696

WarPorn Industries and the RDD proudly present
HMW: The Campaign for Cybertron
A new way to fight the Heavy Metal War

Round 3: Capture the flag tech.
The Scalp Hunting game the whole faction can play!

We've fought over Hydrax Plateau looking for Sharkticon reinforcements and we've fought over Tarn searching for technology to further aid us in the war, but where (and what!) will be fighting next?

Let's hand you over to one of WarPorn Industries finest fembots, Zombi Cheerleader, for some important news on the next round of the HMW: Campaign for Cybertron!
Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 3: Capture the Technology!
WarPorn Industries News Network; Making a profit out of a crisis!

Good evening 'bots and 'cons! Tonight we bring you an update on the recent battle for Tarn. The Decepticons may have taken control of the region, but the Autobots' incredible efforts have enabled them come away with almost as much new technology as as their ancient enemies!

Yes, you heard right, and today we are set to reveal a breakthrough in that glorious tech. Our nerds in the labs way down in the basement of WarPorn towers have been hard at work analysing all the components recovered from Tarn and believe they are close to a breakthrough in a new weapon system, comparable to any of the arms already being sold right here in the WPI Weapons Store.

...and we interrupt this cheap attempt at product placement to bring you some actual news: It has been confirmed that the 'bots have mobilised their forces and are headed to... Zone 6: Vos.
Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 3: Capture the Technology!
Looks like this is where the battle will be held! Will the Autobots finally win themselves a well earned victory, or will the Decepticon forces drive their old enemies back even further? The fate of Tarn's twin city is in YOUR hands!

But before this technology can be released, we bring you all this exclusive edict from our glorious senate:
Senator Sustain wrote:What?! You want new weapons? Fine. If you want them, fight for them!

Unite your faction, chose a target between you and then work together to bring us the complete team of any enemy commander.

Whichever faction captures the most opposition teams in a week or the first to win three rounds (whichever takes longer) wins, and gets to name the weapon.

Get organised! There will be a limit on how many heads each factions commander can collect from each opposing team, and the opposition wont wait to begin the next round, so communication is key.
You have Iacon and Darkmount: use them!

If you're lucky and we're feeling generous, we may even let the winning faction vote for a champion to keep the prototype.

And no cheating!! Senator Burn can see which opponent you have picked, so no changing targets mid-round.

Now get off my lawn.

So there you have it, mechs!

Each faction has to pick and kill a full squad of opponents. Then, combining their weapons technology together the Senate will develop the newest weapon to be manufactured at the HMW Weapons plant.

The design, its requirements, and its payload will be up to the winning faction but there will still be limitations - more powerful weapons will need more powerful soldiers to wield them as equipping a minibot with a fusion cannon will just give you a dead minibot.

Anyway, that's enough from me - I've got a Sharkticon to go and feed a horse to.

Until next time, this is Zombi, signing off...

So, here we go!

The winning faction get to decide the new weapon to be available in the game.

Game rules:
0) Sign ups in the HMW GD forum are required to be able to count your kills in the hunt. Late sign ups are fine, but can only join the hunting from the following round onwards. Unsigned teams can be chosen as targets.
1) The two sides must pick a single team (of 12 members, so no hunting Jedi Kermit!) to target as a faction and name it in their private forum. How they choose the target is up to them but time is limited.
2) They must then, as a faction, capture that entire team in the missions. All kills count, even if the mission isn't a victory for the killing faction.
3) Once they have done this they announce the team they have captured in the game thread in GD and post the 12 kills. The round is declared over, a win is awarded, and a new team must be chosen.
4) Both factions then have from whenever the last round was declared until 6AM GMT+1 (British time) to declare their next target.
5) After a week, the faction with the most rounds won is the winner, unless the target of 3 wins isn't met, in which case the game will continue until a faction has 3 wins.
6) The hunted teams are to be kept SECRET until the relevant round has been completed.

Special notes:
  • No more than 4 members of the target team can be collected by any single commander.
  • Captured teams cannot be chosen a second time, but may still participate in the hunting.
  • You can not chose the same team twice in a row.
  • Once chosen, the targeted team cannot be changed.
  • To prevent any accusations of 'hiding', any participating teams who have a team member who remains un-activated for longer than 48 hours, that character will be considered 'captured' and will count towards the hunting teams total but NOT towards any commanders hunt limit.*
  • Each team will then have until 6AM GMT+1 to declare their next target in their forum and the next round will begin. The Target can be chosen in advance, but it must be made obvious to Burn what that target is when it is declared. Note: Burn has authorised Wingz to keep him updated on the Autobots selection if he is unable to check for any reason.
  • If a faction fails to declare a new target in time, the next round begins anyway giving their opposition a potential head start.
  • A round will last as long as it takes to collect all 12 members of the targeted team.
  • Lastly: Huge thanks to Turbomagnus for giving me the idea for this round. I'd hoped to make a bigger thing of his involvement, but RL prevented me. Sorry/thanks dude!

* This can be proven by taking a screenshot of the character page, like this.Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 3: Capture the Technology!

Code: Select all
In-game reward: The winning faction will be able to name and request the approximate stats they want a new HMW weapon to have. The damage output will be up to the game admin. Bonus Prize: At Admin's discretion, a single 'prototype' version of the weapon may also be offered to a commander selected by the winning faction.

Begin choosing your targets and the first round begins at 6PM (GMT+1) Saturday

Transformers News: HMW: Campaign for Cybertron, round 3: Capture the Technology!
So what is Heavy Metal War (HMW)?
HMW is's very own on-site Transformers game which will be celebrating it's 15th (yes, 15th!) anniversary in June.
It's simple.

• Choose your faction
• Create your troops (you can create up to 12)
• Deploy your troops to missions (cool kids don't use the arena)
• Beat up your enemies to earn XP and Energon
• Upgrade your bots
• Deploy, beat up, earn, upgrade, repeat.

The best part is, unlike most other Transformer based games, there are no loot boxes, you won't be attacked while you're away, you don't need to log in daily to collect bonuses, you don't need to meet expectations of overbearing alliances. In fact, unless you want to engage in the banter on the HMW Forums, you can dump and run in five minutes and then come back in an hour or so!

So join up, crush, kill, destroy!

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #350 - Oops! All Optimus
Twincast / Podcast #350:
"Oops! All Optimus"
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Posted: Saturday, May 18th, 2024

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